Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A shout-out to Jerin Arifa

      It having been much too long since I've done so, I wanted to give another shout-out to my wife, Jerin Arifa, whose tireless activism continues to brighten the world for women and minorities of all walks.
      On Monday night, Jerin participated in a panel, held at Hunter College, that addressed the issues of sexual harassment and violence in New York’s subways and public spaces. Sharing the table with such notable figures as Emily May, Executive Director and co-founder of Hollaback!, Jerin performed in typically fine form - with eloquence, clarity, and conviction - in her discussion of the mindset and process that makes violence possible. Violence, she said, is a spectrum of behavior, one that begins with dehumanization of the individual (name calling, verbal abuse, unwelcome sexual advances, groping and exposure, etc.) that in turns makes easier, on the other end of the spectrum, the performance of physical violence toward that individual. Jerin chairs the National Young Feminist Task Force for NOW, the activities of which further informed her discussion.
     I'll hold off on further extolling, as the sweetness therein begins to corrode the integrity of the message, and say simply that it's been a pleasure - indeed, more than a pleasure - to work in her company.
     Jerin - keep up the awesome. You're just that.


  1. Jerin is not shortchanged where courage and dedication are concerned. The problems she addresses are very real in our lives and voices speaking out, so as to bring them into the light, are all too rare.
    Too bad there are not more like her upon this little "Pebble in the Sky."

  2. Jerin holds, (as do you, Micah), a sound track record for diligence to abide by her humanity. Both your lives are examples, keen offerings, to a world in need of all the goodness it can muster.
