Thursday, December 8, 2011

Revised version of chapters 1-6 available on the blog

    I don't believe I ever made a former announcement of such, but Chapters 1-6 of the novel can actually be read on Scribd by clicking the picture on the right of the page. (It was originally Chapters 1-5, but the sixth chapter ends on a note that more accurately anticipates the tension that later develops in the characters' relationship.)
       This document reflects the most recent revisions to Chapter 2, which I discussed in Friday's post: spiffed up dialogue between Dig and Abida (more realistic, less forced) and a more direct, less ranting, conclusion.
     To anyone who's not yet had the opportunity to read a sample of the text and would like to do so, I strongly encourage you to check out. As I've said in the past, feedback is always appreciated, but even if you don't have any to provide, it's great to know there are people out there reading it. (It is, after all, what people do to novels.)

1 comment:

  1. Micah, it's great to be able to access your revisions and watch the writing process evolve with "Companions". I've taken the liberty of passing around news of your updates via The Fair Light Review. Thanks, always, for the inspiration. You keep me writing.
